Employment Law Compliance Glossary Kit

Are you new to managing an employment law compliance program – labor law posters, minimum wage or paid leave? Maybe all three?

If you’re struggling with the new terminology, or just need a refresher, check out our employment law compliance glossaries. From A to Z, you’ll find a comprehensive list of definitions for each category, along with bonus resources for employers.

Labor Law Poster Glossary Kit Page (2)


Fill-in-the-Blank Posting

A section of a labor law posting that requires employers to fill out specific information, often related to contact information, payday notices, insurer names, etc.

Job Safety and Health Protection Posting

A common type of labor law posting that describes an employer’s obligations to provide a safe and healthy workplace for its employees and to comply with all applicable safety standards as well as other inspection, complaints, and citation information for the applicable jurisdiction.


A visual representation of which federal, state, county and city labor law posters must be displayed at a location.


Exclusions from Regular Rate of Pay

Certain payments made by employers to their employees that are excluded from their regular rate of pay, including but not limited to gifts, bonuses and expense reimbursements.


When a jurisdiction increases its minimum wage rate based on the consumer price index. Many jurisdictions schedule regular minimum wage rate increases, followed by increases based on the consumer price index.

Prevailing Wage

Typically, the rate of pay government contractors, subcontractors, and vendors must offer employees when doing business with any level of government, i.e., city, county, state, federal.

Minimum Wage Glossary Kit Page
Paid Leave Glossary


Benefit Year

This is a term generally associated with paid family and medical leave. A benefit year is a rolling calendar of 52 weeks starting on the first week an employee takes leave through a leave program. Different types of paid leave have different maximum amounts of leave that can be taken by an employee in any benefit year.

Existing Paid Time Off Policies

An employer’s regular paid time off policy, which may, if it meets the requirements of the paid leave law, remove the employer from providing any further leave under the jurisdiction’s paid leave law.

Military Exigencies

The ability for an employee to use paid leave for reasons related to military circumstances.