Minneapolis Increases Citations for Employers Violating Safe and Sick Time Ordinance

By Kelsey Basten

Published on March 22, 2018

Since July 2017, the city of Minneapolis has cited more than 60 employers for violating its new Sick and Safe Time Ordinance.

The citations include minor oversights, such as not displaying the accompanying labor law posting – which includes the new rules – in business locations, and bigger violations, such as denying mandatory sick days to employees even after being warned by city inspectors.

Because the ordinance is new, the city will not administer fines until July 2018. However, some employers have already had to pay.

For example, a global packaging distributor in Minneapolis agreed to pay employees double back wages to those who were not allowed to take sick days leading up to the busy 2017 holiday season.

Another major news publisher was cited for posting a notice to employees that encouraged them not to take time off work.

About the Sick and Safe Time Ordinance

The Minneapolis City Council approved the ordinance in 2016, stating the law was necessary to prevent the spread of contagions and protect the health of city workers and families.

The ordinance went into effect July 1, 2017, and requires employers to give employees who work at least 80 hours per calendar year one hour of guaranteed paid time off for every 30 hours worked.

The law covers full-time, part-time, temporary employees and paid interns. It is also required for businesses with six or more employees.

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