6 Signs it’s Time to Move Away from In-House Compliance Management in 2018
By Kelsey Basten
Published on January 4, 2018
Managing a labor law compliance program is no easy task. Check out why you should move away from an in-house compliance management program in 2018.
1. You have too many physical company locations.
You may have multiple locations across different states or Canada. Or both. Either way, you can’t keep up with the constant whirlwind of labor law posting updates at the federal, state, county and city levels of government, AND have time to communicate the changes to each location.
2. You have employees working in a variety of environments – virtual workers, mall workers and traditional workers.
Also, you have employees whose primary language isn’t English, or visually disabled workers who need a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Do you have the resources to reach all these different types of employees? Luckily, there’s the GovDocs Intranet Poster Program to ensure your locations always have the correct labor law postings at their fingertips.
3. You’re not a printer.
You don’t have the materials or resources to print labor law posters at the size required for each posting. Because each posting has different requirements, you’ll need a variety of paper sizes and printers. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) Job Safety and Health posting must be 8.5 by 14 inches to be compliant. Read more about labor law poster display here.
4. You’re unprepared for company liability.
If your company were to be fined for posting violations, how quickly would leadership look for “process improvements”? And who would catch the brunt of accountability for a poor-performing in-house poster compliance program? With reputable poster vendors, not only do you have the peace of mind that they manage all facets of the program, they also guarantee their services are compliant with the most current labor law posting updates.
5. You do not have a dedicated resource for compliance program management.
Employers need at least one full-time employee to track all posting changes, verify with government agencies whether the changes are mandatory, and then coordinate the printing and distribution of the most current versions of labor law posters. This dedicated resource is an actual cost to the company, even if the posters are “free” from government websites.
With an all-in-one compliance program, your company could save time, money and resources that would be better spent elsewhere. At GovDocs, we can help. Learn more about the GovDocs Update Program here.
6. You have “Compliance Anxiety.”
Some in-house programs rely on their company locations to go to government websites and print their own labor law posters. However, this introduces a lot of problems in the compliance chain: Will individual locations act? Will they select the correct posting from a never-ending and confusing list of options on government websites? How do they know when it’s time to replace old postings? And how do they know if they’re missing a required posting?
The solution?
No matter what your compliance challenge is, GovDocs has a solution for you. Check out our products and services to find out how we can help you manage your compliance program.
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Who is GovDocs?
GovDocs simplifies the complexity of employment law management (ELM) for large, multilocation employers across all industries. We offer a suite of innovative compliance products, including labor law postings, data software applications and other program management tools, to ease the day-to-day responsibilities of human resources, compensation, legal and finance teams.