Active COVID-19 Labor Law Postings

By Kris Janisch
Published Feb. 2, 2022

Active COVID-19 Labor Law Postings

Employers that operate across the U.S. have always had challenges with labor law posting compliance. The pandemic has added another wrinkle.

Active COVID-19 labor law postings? They’re still out there.

While January always brings dozens of new labor law postings each year, employers still have to monitor COVID-19 postings.

As might be expected, active postings regarding COVID-19 can be found in more progressive jurisdictions, including California and Oregon.

Below are some of these COVID-specific postings, as of Jan. 27, 2022. However, COVID-related information may be included on other labor law posters, such as those for paid family and medical leave, discrimination, know your rights, etc.

Also note that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated activity from lawmakers, and employers should regularly audit their locations to ensure labor law poster compliance.

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Active COVID-19 Labor Law Postings

Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County has a posting regarding its paid leave for COVID-19 access ordinance.

The law says full-time employees are entitled to up to four hours of additional paid leave per COVID-19 vaccination shot.

Meanwhile, the posting also outlines other items:

  • Paid leave for part-time workers
  • Compensation rate
  • Anti-retaliation for employee use
  • Posting instructions
  • Enforcement agency


Nevada’s posting also outlines paid leave for employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

It also includes information on:

  • Paid leave depending on a one- or two-shot vaccination
  • Covered employers
  • Notice requirements for employees
  • Anti-retaliation
  • Negating this type of paid leave if the employer provides a vaccination clinic on the premises

The posting is also available in Spanish.

Paid Leave Management. Simplified.


In Oregon, its active COVID-19 labor law posting is about the state’s workplace safety standards, as handed down by the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division.

The posting includes many of the safety protocols employers have become familiar with over the past two years:

  • Physical distancing
  • Mask wearing
  • Workplace risk assessments
  • Employee rights regarding making complaints

The posting is also available in Spanish.

San Francisco

San Franscisco’s COVID-19 employee leave protection posting outlines the city’s ordinance prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of COVID-19 status.

In several languages, the posting says, in part:

Employers may not fire, threaten to fire, suspend, discipline, or in any other manner take an adverse action against an employee who is absent or unable to work, or who requests time off from work, because the employee tested positive for COVID-19 or is isolating or quarantining due to COVID-19 symptoms or exposure.

The posting also outlines retaliation and enforcement.

Washington, D.C.

Lastly, there’s Washington, D.C., which also has a COVID-19 leave posting.

Applying to employers with 20 or more workers in the district, the posting details the unpaid leave amount (up to 16 weeks for most employees), along with other items.

It also lists reasons for use:

  • Positive test result
  • Isolation or quarantine
  • Care for covered family member
  • Childcare or school closure

Other information on the COVID-19 labor law posting in Washington, D.C.:

  • Certification of test results
  • Advance notice for employees to provide
  • Penalties for noncompliance


Employers that operate across the U.S. have always had challenges with labor law posting compliance. The pandemic has added another wrinkle.

The postings listed above may not be exhaustive, due to the constantly changing COVID-19 situation. As always, it’s a good idea to review local laws and requirements to ensure compliance.

This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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