Morristown, N.J., Cook County, Ill., Pass Paid Sick Leave Laws
As the number of cities and counties passing laws grows across the U.S., Morristown, N.J., and Cook County, Ill., are the latest local jurisdictions to add paid sick leave ordinances.
The Morristown City Council enacted a new paid sick leave law Sept. 13, requiring employers to provide paid sick time to employees who work at least 80 hours in a year in the city.
Following the initial announcement, Morristown Mayor Timothy Dougherty signed Executive Order 16-01 Sept. 28, which delays the law’s effective date to Jan. 11, 2017 (originally Oct. 4, 2016) to provide more time to educate employers, as well as create the posting.
Who is Affected?
Employers with at least 10 employees must provide 40 hours of paid sick leave during a calendar year. Those with less than 10 must provide at least 24 hours of leave during a calendar year.
In addition, employees within the child care, home health care and food service industries must receive 40 hours of paid sick leave during a calendar year, regardless of the number of employees.
Posting Requirements
The new law requires a posting in English, as well as any other first language spoken by at least 10% of the employer’s workforce. Employers must display it in a conspicuous and accessible place for employees in each business establishment.
The posting is not available from the city at this time. GovDocs will continue to monitor its status and provide an update once available, most likely closer to the Jan. 11, 2017, effective date.
Cook County
Cook County, Ill., passed an Earned Sick Leave ordinance Oct. 5 for employers that operate within the county. Effective July 1, 2017, it allows eligible employees to accrue up to 40 hours of paid sick leave in each 12-month period of employment.
The ordinance is similar to Chicago’s paid sick leave law, passed in summer 2016 and also effective July 1, 2017. (Chicago is located in Cook County.)
Who is Affected?
The Earned Sick Time ordinance covers all workplaces located within Cook County.
Posting Requirements
The effective date of the new ordinance and respective posting is July 1, 2017, aligning with Chicago’s paid sick leave effective date.
The posting is not available from the county at this time. GovDocs will continue to monitor its status and provide an update once available, most likely closer to the July 1, 2017 effective date.
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