NYC Publishes Sexual Harassment Posting and Fact Sheet

By Kelsey Basten

Published on August 16, 2018

In 2018, both New York State and NYC have added extensive workplace sexual harassment and sex discrimination laws. Now, the NYC Commission on Human Rights has released a sexual harassment poster and fact sheet:

NYC Posting

Starting September 6, 2018, NYC employers must display the new English-language posting, Stop Sexual Harassment Act Notice, for all employees. The new posting is mandatory for all NYC employers, regardless of size. Also, the posting is required to be displayed in Spanish, but the Commission has yet to issue an approved posting.

NYC Policy / Notice

Next, the Commission published a fact sheet that fulfills the notice requirement of the new anti-harassment law. The fact sheet is meant to be given to employees upon hire.

Employers can choose not to use the fact sheet if they incorporate all the information outlined in an employee handbook or policy that is distributed amongst employees.

This requirement goes into effect on Sept. 6, 2018, as well.

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