Pasadena Becomes 14th City in California with Minimum Wage

Published on March 21, 2016

The City of Pasadena, California amended Title 5, Article I of its municipal code to require a citywide minimum wage for workers who perform at least two hours of work within the geographic boundaries of Pasadena.

Pasadena Minimum Wage Schedule

The City has a two-tier minimum wage schedule based on the number of employees.

Effective Date Number of Employees
July 1 26 or more workers 25 or fewer workers
2016 $10.50
2017 $12.00 $10.50
2018 $13.25 $12.00
2019 $14.25 $14.25
2020 $15.00 $15.00
2021 $15.00 $15.00

*Indexed: The rate may be adjusted annually based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPl). The City shall announce the adjusted rates annually January 1 and publish a bulletin announcing the adjusted rates, which take effect July 1 of each year.

Pasadena Minimum Wage Posting and Notice Requirements

Employers must display a notice provided by the City each year in English and in other languages spoken by at least five percent of workers.

Additionally, employers must provide all new workers the notice at the time of hire going forward and to all current workers as of July 1, 2016.

GovDocs continues to monitor the city for the release of the required notice.

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