Plainfield, New Jersey Paid Sick Time and Posting Requirement

Published on March 18, 2016

Beginning September 2016, employers with locations in Plainfield, New Jersey, will need to offer workers paid sick time under a new ordinance. Workers may use accrued time to care for themselves or family members for mental or physical illness or injury.

Plainfield Paid Sick Time Accrual and Usage

  • Accrual Rate: One hour for every 30 hours worked beginning the first day of employment.
  • Accrued Time Usage: Employees can use accrued time beginning 100 calendar days after beginning employment.
  • Annual Accrual Cap
    • 10 or more employees: 40 hours
    • 9 or fewer employees: 24 hours
  • Annual Accrued Time Carry-over: Regardless of business size, workers may carry over up to 40 hours of accrued paid sick time from one calendar year to the next.
  • Employee Separation: Employers do not need to pay out unused accrued time at employee separation.

Plainfield Paid Sick Time Posting and Notice Requirements

New Employee Notice: Employers must provide new workers with a notice that the City will develop, which describes their right to paid sick time.

Posting: The City will develop a notice that employers must display in a conspicuous location in English and in any language that is the first language of at least 10 percent of the workforce. According to the ordinance, the City will provide the posting in English and Spanish “and any other languages deemed appropriate”.

GovDocs clients with locations in Plainfield that are subscribed to our corporate-level Update Program will automatically receive the posting once it is released by the City.

Considering the number of municipals paid sick leave and minimum wage laws, our Update Program is really the perfect way for large, multi-location companies to manage their posting compliance program efficiently.

Contact us for more information about how we can help eliminate barriers to total posting compliance for you!

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GovDocs Update Program

Who is GovDocs?

GovDocs simplifies the complexity of employment law management (ELM) for large, multilocation employers across all industries. We offer a suite of innovative compliance products, including labor law postings, data software applications and other program management tools, to ease the day-to-day responsibilities of human resources, compensation, legal and finance teams.

Have less than 30 locations? 

The GovDocs Poster Store simplifies the complexity of posting compliance for employers with less than 30 locations across all industries. We offer a variety of posting products to meet your labor law compliance needs, including federal and state posters; county and city poster packages; and other HR posters. Plus, when you purchase posters with GovDocs Update Service, you ensure your locations automatically receive updated posters whenever changes occur.