New Jersey 2015 Minimum Wage Increase
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development announced a 2015 minimum wage increase to $8.38 per hour effective January 1, 2015.
[wc_divider style=”dashed” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””]The New Jersey Minimum Wage Advisory Commission reviews the rate annually to determine if the amount is adequate for employees to meet the changes in cost of living. The State stops short, however, of “indexing” the rate automatically to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as ten other U.S. state do, such as Arizona. Governor Chris Christie has not supported any automatic adjustments to the New Jersey minimum wage rate, vetoing efforts to index the New Jersey minimum wage.
Governor Christie explains that he is tired of talking about minimum wage, because he wants to focus on creating higher-wage jobs.

New Jersey Tipped Workers
The New Jersey minimum wage rate includes a “tipping allowance”, meaning that food servers and other occupations that typically earn tips as a normal part of their duties must earn at least the Federal minimum wage rate for tipped workers, which is $2.13 per hour. However, if a tipped employee earns less than the New Jersey State minimum wage, employers must make up any difference in the base wage and tips so that the tipped worker earns at least the New Jersey minimum wage rate.
The New Jersey legislature is considering a Bill (A857) that would raise the State’s base wage rate for tipped workers to $5.70 per hour by the end of 2015.
New Jersey 2015 Minimum Wage Poster
New Jersey employers must display the New Jersey State Wage and Hour Law Abstract in a conspicuous location. The posting and other postings are included in the GovDocs New Jersey Poster Compliance Package. Employers can save 20% on all labor law poster purchases using GovDocs coupon code 2015MIN.
The New Jersey Compliance Poster Package includes:
- Unemployment and Disability Insurance
- State Wage and Hour Abstract
- Schedule of Hours for Minors
- Child Labor Law Abstract
- Discrimination in Employment
- Payment of Wages
- Notice (Workers’ Compensation)
- Family Leave Act
- Conscientious Employee Protection Act (Whistleblower)
- Smoking Prohibited
- Family Leave Insurance
- Employer Obligation to Maintain and Report Records
- SAFE Act
- Gender Inequity
- Gender Inequity (Spanish)