Canada Minimum Wage

By Kris Janisch
Updated April 2024

Canada Minimum Wage

Canada minimum wage can be just as complex as it is in the U.S.

What is the federal minimum wage in Canada in 2024?

The federal minimum wage in Canada increased from $16.65 to $17.30 per hour on April 1, 2024. For the latest information on Canada minimum wage rates in 2024, please click here to view our latest blog post.

Previous post from 2023: 

Minimum wage in Canada mostly follows the rates set by provinces. There is a federal minimum wage ($16.65, effective April 1, 2023), but it only applies to those working in federally regulated industries, such as banks, postal services, interprovincial transportation and federal Crown corporations.

For employees working in industries not regulated by the federal government, the provincial minimum wage applies.

The nation’s 10 provinces and three territories all have their own rates. Below are details on Canada minimum wage, along with how the rates are configured moving forward.

Minimum Wage Management. Simplified.

Canada Minimum Wage

While minimum wage rates in U.S. states, counties and cities typically update on July 1 or Jan. 1 each year, Canada minimum wage increases are on a slightly different schedule.

Note that there are some exceptions to the standard rates listed below. For example, liquor servers in Ontario, as well as homeworkers, have special rates. For employers in certain industries in Canada, they should check the rates specific to their locations to ensure they are paying the correct minimum wage. And tipped minimum wages should also be monitored.

Related: U.S. State Minimum Wage Rates in 2023


Alberta’s minimum wage is currently $15, with no scheduled increases upcoming. (Last increase: Oct. 1, 2018.)

British Columbia

British Columbia’s minimum wage is currently $15.65, effective June 1, 2022.


In Manitoba, minimum wage increased to $14.15, effective April 1, 2023.

New Brunswick

New Brunswick minimum wage also saw an April 1, 2023, increase and is now $14.75.

Newfoundland and Labrador

In Newfoundland and Labrador, minimum wage is $14.50, effective April 1, 2023.

Northwest Territories

Minimum wage in the Northwest Territories is $15.20.

Every two years officials there examine its rate for potential updates. The current rate is effective as of Sept. 1, 2021.

Beginning Sept. 1, 2023, the minimum wage in the Northwest Territories will be adjusted based on the applicable Consumer Price Index.

UPDATE: The Northwest Territories announced a minimum wage increase to $16.05, effective Sept. 1, 2023.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia’s minimum wage is currently $14.50 (effective April 1, 2023), with scheduled increases in spring and fall in the coming years:

  • Effective Oct. 1, 2023: $15


In Nunavut, minimum wage sits at $16 currently. It is adjusted annually on April 1.


Ontario’s minimum wage is currently $15.50, effective Oct. 1, 2022.

New rates, effective Oct. 1, will be published by April 1 each year.

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island’s minimum wage is currently at $13.70. However, two rate increases are set:

  • Jan. 1, 2023 – $14.50
  • Oct. 1, 2023 – $15


In Quebec, minimum wage increased May 1, 2022. It is now $14.25.


In Saskatchewan, minimum wage increased to $13, effective Oct. 1, 2022. There are scheduled increases on deck:

  • Effective Oct. 1, 2023: $14
  • Effective Oct. 1, 2024: $15

Yukon Territory

Yukon Territory updated its minimum wage April 1, 2023. It is currently $16.77 and is adjusted annually on April 1.


Much like the U.S., multi-jurisdiction employers that operate in Canada have a multitude of minimum wage rates to track.

Additionally, employers should keep an eye on potential rate changes and any industry rates that may be applicable.

This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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