New Breastfeeding in the Workplace Law for Hawaii
Published Sept. 16, 2013

A mandatory Breastfeeding in the Workplace poster is included with this law to explain the changes and notify employees.
Hawaii employers: Are you still compliant with the new labor laws?
Hawaii recently passed an amendment to its Employment Practices Law pertaining to workplace accommodation for breastfeeding.
Under this legislation, employers are required to provide reasonable time for breastfeeding employees as needed for up to one year after childbirth. Employers are also mandated to provide the employee with a private location (other than a restroom) that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public for breastfeeding purposes.
Employers with fewer than 20 employees are exempt if that employer can show that the law would impose a significant expense or difficulty to their business.
A mandatory Breastfeeding in the Workplace labor law poster is included with this law to explain the changes and notify employees.
Failure to comply with posting or enforcing the law results in a minimum $500 fine for each violation.
Hawaii’s state law takes precedence over the national Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as it offers greater protection to employees. You can read more about the FLSA here.
For more information about the Hawaii Breastfeeding in the Workplace Act, click here.
This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.
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