GovDocs Minimum Wage Surpasses 50 Clients
By Kris Janisch
Published June 11, 2019
ST. PAUL, Minn. (June 11, 2019) — GovDocs, Inc., announced today it has surpassed 50 clients with its first-to-market GovDocs Minimum Wage solution.
“We’re incredibly proud to have reached the 50-client threshold so soon after the product went live,” CEO Zach Stabenow said. “It’s a credit to our team and the hard work we have put in over the past two years.”
Launched in late 2017, GovDocs Minimum Wage allows large, multilocation businesses to manage the ever-changing minimum wage rates from across the country, right down to the location level. An interactive dashboard lets compensation, human resources, finance and other teams:
- Track minimum wage rates in real time
- See both tipped and non-tipped rates, as applicable
- Receive email updates about future increases
- Determine the appropriate rate by jurisdiction
- Review related legislation, including case law, statues, etc.
Notable GovDocs Minimum Wage clients include the world’s largest: global discount retailer by revenue, full-service restaurant company and cosmetics company; as well as one of the biggest gas station chains in the Midwest and East Coast, plus a Fortune 500 general building materials outfit, a global fashion retailer with nearly 2,500 stores in the U.S. and a leading global athletic shoe retailer with more than $7.8 billion in annual revenue.
Being able to get accurate and timely location-specific minimum wage rates has been invaluable for clients concerned about staying compliant in an ever-growing and complex employment law environment, Stabenow said.
“More and more cities, counties and states are establishing their own minimum wage rates, so it’s becoming harder for companies to stay ahead of all the updates,” he said. “With our product, we eliminate the worry of staying on top of those laws and make things easy for payroll, HR and compliance departments.”
Additionally, GovDocs has plans to release similar products soon for both paid sick leave and government notices, further building its employment law management platform.
GovDocs Product Demo
GovDocs will offer two brief product demonstrations of GovDocs Minimum Wage at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday, June 20. More information and a registration form can be found on the GovDocs website.
About GovDocs
GovDocs, Inc., is a leading provider of employment law management solutions for large, multilocation employers in the U.S. and Canada. With the GovDocs cloud-based platform, our clients easily manage labor law posting programs and minimum wage rates down to the individual location and across the enterprise. All GovDocs’ products are powered by continuous research and innovation to help clients be compliant. The company is headquartered in St. Paul, Minn.
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Who is GovDocs?
GovDocs simplifies the complexity of employment law management (ELM) for large, multilocation employers across all industries. We offer a suite of innovative compliance products, including labor law postings, data software applications and other program management tools, to ease the day-to-day responsibilities of human resources, compensation, legal and finance teams.
Have less than 30 locations?
The GovDocs Poster Store simplifies the complexity of posting compliance for employers with less than 30 locations across all industries. We offer a variety of posting products to meet your labor law compliance needs, including federal and state posters; county and city poster packages; and other HR posters. Plus, when you purchase posters with GovDocs Update Service, you ensure your locations automatically receive updated posters whenever changes occur.