Nevada Paid Leave Can Be Used for Any Reason: Posting Requirement

By Kris Janisch
Published Sept. 17, 2019

Nevada Paid Leave Law Posting Update

Nevada companies with at least 50 employees are subject to the paid leave bill. However, there are exceptions.

As Nevada’s new paid leave law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2020, employers should prepare for the changes now, and that includes a new mandatory posting requirement.

The bill, signed into law this summer, is unique in that it allows employees to take time off for any reason. (Maine also recently passed legislation that gives employees the right to take time off for more than just sick days.)

Paid Leave in Nevada: How It Works

Under the measure, employees accrue paid leave as they work — 0.01923 hours of paid leave for each hour of work performed. Essentially, 40-hour-a-week employees would be entitled about 40 hours of paid leave per year. Employers also have the option of frontloading the paid leave.

Nevada companies with at least 50 employees are subject to the paid leave bill. However, there are exceptions:

  • Employers who provide equivalent paid time off
  • Companies in their first two years of operation
  • Temporary, seasonal and on-call employees

Violations of the bill can result in fines of up to $5,000 for each infraction (a misdemeanor). Retaliation against workers who use paid leave is also prohibited.

Also of note: the legislation states that employers can set a minimum increment that employees need to take the leave. It can be anywhere up to four hour increments.

Meanwhile, Nevada employers must keep records of the amount of paid leave available each payday, as well as overall accrual should state officials request the information.

Postings about the new paid leave law must be up by Jan. 1, 2020.

Paid Leave Laws, GovDocs Webinar

Employers continue to note the expanding complexity of paid leave laws across the country.

Such laws often face legal challenges, as is the case in Texas, or are enacted in small jurisdictions, Westchester County, NY, for example.

In an effort to unravel and further explore paid leave laws, GovDocs will host an upcoming webinar: The Puzzle of Paid Leave.

GovDocs’ Jana Bjorklund, Senior Counsel and Director, Employment Law and Compliance, will explain what paid leave laws mean for large, multilocation companies.

  • Wednesday, Sept. 25
  • 1-2 p.m. CDT (45-minute presentation with 15-minute Q&A session)

Register for the webinar.

This Labor Law News Blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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