Ban the Box for State Jobs in Georgia
Georgia Governor’s Executive Order “Bans the Box” for State Jobs
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal in 2015 issued an executive order that prohibits state agencies from eliminating candidates from hiring consideration based solely on criminal background.
Georgia state agencies adjusted hiring practices so that the application and interview process encourages full participation of qualified persons, regardless of their criminal history.
U.S. States that Ban the Box
Although Georgia’s “ban the box” effort doesn’t extend to private workplaces, the move at the time signaled a nationwide effort to adjust hiring practices to consider applicants who may have criminal backgrounds.
Related: State Ban the Box Laws for Private Employers
In the U.S., many cities and counties have adopted “ban the box” legislation to provide applicants a fair chance by removing the conviction history question on the job application and delaying the background check inquiry until later in the hiring.
Ban the Box: What Is It?
Generally, ban the box laws bar employers from asking about an applicant’s criminal history until a later point during the application or hiring process.
Ban the box laws often:
- Limit what employers can ask job applicants before an initial interview
- Set a point in the application process when employers may ask about an applicant’s criminal history
- Prohibit how far in the past an employer may inquire about an applicant’s criminal history
- Prevent ads for jobs from excluding those with a criminal history
State Ban the Box Laws
Many states have passed ban the box laws in recent years, including:
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- Washington
- Vermont
While Georgia’s ban the box law only applies to state employees, it is incumbent upon employers to understand the hiring laws in jurisdictions where they have locations.
Plus, employment laws often carry an associated labor law posting, adding a layer of complexity to the puzzle of compliance.
This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.
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