Poll Results: What is your 2018 Compliance Resolution?
By Kelsey Basten
Published on February 1, 2018
We’re so curious, we had to ask – this month, we ran a poll to answer one critical question: What is your 2018 compliance resolution?
Well, the results are in, and this is what we learned!
Accurate Minimum Wage Rate Management (38%)
“Minimum wage rate management” was the winner! Companies of all sizes can relate to this – no matter how many company locations you have, you still need to:
- Keep track of the latest federal, state, county and city rates
- Sift through news alerts, blogs, agency websites and legal aggregator databases
- Manage data-heavy spreadsheets – manually
- Determine which rate applies to each location
- Consult with outside legal counsel or ask them to assist with tracking
- Distribute data to other stakeholders/departments
Phew! That’s a lot of stuff to track. Start the year with a new plan so you can dedicate time and resources to other important things.
The solution? Check out GovDocs Minimum Wage, a web-based app that provides up-to-date minimum wage rate and related details for each of your company locations.
Deeper Understanding of County and City Labor Law Postings (35%)
Coming in at a close second was gaining a “deeper understanding of county and city labor law postings.”
In 2017, there were 107 city and eight county mandatory posting updates. This is a lot to handle! You may find yourself asking:
- Are my postings still compliant?
- Do I have all the required postings?
- How do I know whether a posting is required?
To solve this problem, we have the GovDocs Update Program. With this, you can ensure your company locations are always compliant with the latest county and city updates.
Enterprise-wide Labor Law Posting Compliance (21%)
Enterprise-wide labor law posting compliance came in third place. As many of you know, managing labor law posters is challenging, but throw in multiple locations across multiple states, cities and counties, and you have more than enough to manage. You’re not alone in this battle, as many other large companies are dealing with these issues,as well.
Luckily, there’s the GovDocs Update Program. The program provides new labor law posters to applicable locations. When GovDocs identifies a mandatory poster update, locations automatically receive new or replacement posters to ensure compliance with government regulations.
Other (6%)
We received a couple notes in the “other” section of our poll. The first was “Paid Sick Leave and Scheduling Law Tracking.”
Paid sick leave is much like minimum wage, with county and city updates increased a rapidly in 2017. However, in 2018 we predict a slow-down at the county and city levels, as well as a federal paid leave plan up for discussion.
Here’s what you should consider when tracking paid leave laws:
- What paid leave laws affect your locations?
- Type of leave: Paid sick leave or paid family and medical leave?
- Number of employees required to offer paid leave?
- Length of time: When does leave begin, how much does the employee earn, what are the caps?
- Who’s covered: The employee, types of family members?
- Funding: Is it employee, employer or joint-paid? Or, is it funded through taxes?
You can learn more about paid leave here.
Also, if you haven’t heard about predictive scheduling yet, it’s time to dig in and learn why you should be paying attention. Retailers, in particular, find it increasingly more difficult to track these laws, as they depend on employer size, number of employees and many other factors. Learn more about predictive scheduling and how it could affect your locations here.
The last resolution we received was to “Create a Company Culture of Support and Responsibility Surrounding Compliance.” Many companies struggle with helping individual locations understand how compliance works, and what they must do to remain compliant.
One way to help your locations ensure labor law posters are on the wall GovDocs’ Poster Check, a product that bridges the gap between poster delivery and display. With a quick QR code scan – or online code entry – location managers automatically receive a verification message, AND you’re notified when a new or updated poster is displayed.
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Who is GovDocs?
GovDocs simplifies the complexity of employment law management (ELM) for large, multilocation employers across all industries. We offer a suite of innovative compliance products, including labor law postings, data software applications and other program management tools, to ease the day-to-day responsibilities of human resources, compensation, legal and finance teams.
Have less than 30 locations?
The GovDocs Poster Store simplifies the complexity of posting compliance for employers with less than 30 locations across all industries. We offer a variety of posting products to meet your labor law compliance needs, including federal and state posters; county and city poster packages; and other HR posters. Plus, when you purchase posters with GovDocs Update Service, you ensure your locations automatically receive updated posters whenever changes occur.