4 Challenges of Maintaining Labor Law Poster Compliance

By GovDocs
Jan. 23, 2025

4 Challenges of Maintaining Labor Law Poster Compliance

Managing labor law poster compliance is no easy task. Partnering with a vendor who provides compliance and research expertise, a centralized dashboard, and steady pricing is crucial to overcome these top 4 challenges for HR and Compliance teams.  

Large companies understand that managing poster compliance for multiple locations across the country is not easy. Not only are federal, state, county and city laws always changing, but workplaces are also constantly changing, making it hard to keep up with over 1800 postings to monitor and update regularly.

This article will cover the four most common challenges in maintaining a labor law poster program, and the steps to overcome each one.  

Challenge 1: Keeping up with Federal, State, County, and City Updates 

Managing updates at all levels is a time-consuming task. How can one individual be sure hundreds or thousands of locations are always compliant?  

To ensure accuracy, here are a couple of solutions for your HR team to consider: 

  • Create internal processes for updates to happen in a streamlined and timely manner. This includes tracking posting updates, shipping coordination, and communicating posting changes across locations.  
  • Partner with an Update Service Provider. Finding a trusted and reliable labor law poster program provider can relieve the workload of more than 2 full-time employees.   

TIP: GovDocs Update Program uses LocationCheck technology to ensure every location has the right poster on the wall based on latitude and longitude coordinates. LocationCheck assigns accurate jurisdictions at the state, county, and city level where poster compliance complexities  might exist.

Challenge 2: Validating Poster Compliance 

Auditing your labor law posters across all locations is a never-ending process. To efficiently complete these tasks, you need the following resources: 

  1. Centralized solution to track poster shipments, locations, and requirements.  
  2. Tools to ensure posters are up to date.  
  3. Resources to create audit processes unique to your organization.  

Challenge 3: Reaching all Employees 

Today’s workplace reflects diversity, and with this comes the need for various labor law posters for employees. This includes industry-specific, language barriers, and location of work.  

  • Remote workers: ensure compliance for all your employees who work from home with updated digital versions of your labor law posters. Don’t forget to make sure they provide city and county level postings, too! 
  • Spanish-Speaking: If you have Spanish-speaking employees it is necessary to post Spanish language posters alongside English versions.  
  • Federal Contractors: Companies with federal contractors must post additional unique posters for these employees.  

TIP: GovDocs has programs to cover your employee requirements, whether it is a predominately Spanish-speaking or a fully remote work force 

Challenge 4: Managing Compliance Budget 

Compliance budgeting is difficult, but the top reasons include:  

  • Poster updates are unpredictable 
  • There can be hidden costs 

Even if your HR and Compliance team closely monitors labor law poster updates, it is  difficult to budget how much your organization will spend on updates per year. Updates may occur “out of the blue” or can slip through the cracks of even the most detailed research.  

Hidden costs can also add up quickly if you’re working with a vendor who charges per update or if you’re printing in house. Labor law posters can’t be printed off a standard computer printer. You will need to print on large paper, use a large printer, and buy copious amounts of ink, making the costs add up quickly.  

TIP: GovDocs will keep your cost per location steady with a subscription service that ships you a poster, regardless of how many mandatory posting updates occur each year. Learn more about how GovDocs sets itself apart


Managing labor law poster compliance is no easy task. Partnering with a vendor who provides compliance and research expertise, a centralized dashboard, and steady pricing is crucial to overcome these top 4 challenges for HR and Compliance teams.  

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Who is GovDocs?

GovDocs simplifies employment law compliance for large employers in the U.S. and Canada. The GovDocs software platform integrates three solutions in one convenient place to help you master the employment laws impacting your business. Whether you manage a labor law postersminimum wage or paid leave program, our products cut through research time, provide proactive insights into the everchanging landscape of employment laws and reduce the risk of noncompliance. The company is headquartered in Eagan, Minn.

Have fewer than 30 locations? 

The GovDocs Poster Store simplifies posting compliance for employers with less than 30 locations across all industries, offering a variety of posting products to meet your labor law compliance needs.