Your Favorites: Top 10 Blogs of 2020 from Employment Law News

By Kris Janisch
Published Dec. 30, 2020

We take a look at the top 10 blogs from Employment Law News in 2020 and examine why you liked them.

As we wrap up 2020, it’s a nice opportunity to look back at the nearly 100 blogs we posted over the past year. And find out which ones you most enjoyed.

Here, we’ll run down the top 10 blogs from Employment Law News in 2020 and provide a little context as to why they were so popular.

  1. 2020 Minimum Wage Rates for California Cities

As employers know, California needs plenty of attention when it comes to employment law.

We outlined the 2020 minimum wage rates for California cities, which proved helpful for compliance teams and helped this blog check in at No. 1 for Employment Law News.

Related: Early 2021 Minimum Wage Rates for California Cities

  1. 2020 State Minimum Wage Updates

Along the same lines, we also provided an overview of state minimum wage rates in 2020.

Having a one-stop shop for the early 2020 minimum wage across the U.S. garnered plenty of clicks. This blog came in at No. 2 for the year.

Find the early 2021 minimum wage rates for states on Employment Law News.

  1. OSHA Issues Workplace Guidance on Wearing Masks

As the COVID-19 pandemic impacted businesses, there were concerns early on about mask mandates.

In June 2020, we examined guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) about wearing masks in the workplace. It was one of several workplace-safety issues employers had to grapple with in the wake of the coronavirus.

  1. What Does the Coronavirus Stimulus Package Mean for Employers

Another blog related to the pandemic, we looked at how businesses would benefit from the $2.2 trillion COVID-19 relief package passed in the spring.

The blog covered loans for large employers, payroll tax deferrals and the Paycheck Protection Program, along with other facets of the bill. This blog was No. 4 for Employment Law News in 2020.

  1. Legalized Marijuana in Illinois: 5 Things Employers Need to Know

Marijuana legalization continues to spread. With it, of course, comes challenges for employers.

At the beginning of 2020, legalized recreational marijuana became legal in Illinois. State officials offered clarity about the law, which helped employers know how to address legalized marijuana in Illinois.

From information about drug testing, job applications and more, the blog includes quotes from attorneys about how to deal with legalization.

  1. New York State Paid Sick Leave Goes Into Effect Sept. 30, 2020

Up next at No. 6, we have a blog on New York State paid sick leave, which went into effect this fall.

One of the economic centers of the world, New York State’s new paid sick leave law impacts plenty of employers, likely leading to the popularity of this post. Employers should also note that paid sick leave in New York State has different requirements based on company size.

Paid Leave Management. Simplified.

  1. New Jersey Issues Regulations on Earned Sick Leave Law

The complexity of paid leave laws means whenever state officials issue guidance about them, people pay attention.

At No. 7 on Employment Law News’ top 10 blogs of 2020 is a piece on New Jersey earned sick leave and the 53-page guidance document from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

Rate of pay, company-provided leave and more is covered.

  1. Rhode Island Minimum Wage Increases to $11.50 on Oct. 1, 2020

While most jurisdictions schedule minimum wage increases for the start or middle of the year, Rhode Island saw its minimum wage increase on Oct. 1 in 2020.

Perhaps it was the odd schedule that interested employers and made this blog No. 8 for 2020. The state does not have a scheduled increase for 2020 as yet.

Minimum Wage Management. Simplified.

  1. Coronavirus: DOL Issues Guidance on Emergency Paid Leave Act

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) posed many challenges for employers in 2020.

The law was enacted quickly, which left plenty of unanswered questions. When the U.S. Department of Labor issued guidance on the FFCRA, GovDocs Senior Counsel, Employment Law, Jana Bjorklund, wrote a blog detailing the update. The

  1. Nevada Issues Guidance on Paid Leave Law

Nevada is among a unique number of jurisdictions with a paid leave law that allows employees to use benefits for any reason.

Despite the simplification of one aspect of this law, when the state commissioner of labor put out guidance paid leave in Nevada, it garnered enough clicks to land at No. 10 on our list.


While we know 2020 was a difficult year for employers in the U.S. and the world as a whole, we hope Employment Law News helped keep you abreast of the latest updates.

Here’s hoping 2021 is a better year for all our subscribers. And a big thank you for reading!

Happy New Year!

This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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