States with Human Trafficking Posters

By Kris Janisch
Updated April 2023

States with Human Trafficking Posters

Several states have a human trafficking labor law poster, though they are generally only required for certain types of businesses.

States with human trafficking posters have increased in recent years.

While many updated labor law posters involve new minimum wage rates, paid leave laws or employee rights, human trafficking isn’t far behind.

And it’s more than states that have been issuing human trafficking posters — a handful of smaller jurisdictions have them, as well as the federal government.

Of course, employers should know that human trafficking posters are generally only required to be displayed for businesses in specific industries, though some companies opt to display them. These posters often include information about hotlines and resources for potential victims.

Below, we run down the states with a human trafficking poster and their specific requirements, along with a list of smaller jurisdictions.

Labor Law Poster Compliance. Simplified.

Human Trafficking Labor Law Posters by State

There are several states with human trafficking labor law posters. Some have broader posting requirements than others. It’s incumbent upon employers to know which types of businesses are required to display these posters.

And labor law posters can update at any time of year, so employers should check the jurisdictions where they operate to ensure compliance.

Alabama Human Trafficking Poster

Labor Law Poster Auditing KitIn Alabama, the poster is required for establishments that require a liquor license or alcoholic beverage license and that does not also have a food or beverage permit, or both.

Also, any hotel that been cited as a nuisance under a portion of the state code, as well as any airport, bus, or train station must display the poster.

Lastly, as is often the case with human trafficking posters, it is required for Alabama businesses that have topless entertainment or semi-nude employees. There is also a Spanish version of the poster.

Arkansas Human Trafficking Poster

Arkansas’ human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Employers of a hotel, motel, or other establishment that has been cited as a public nuisance for prostitution
  • Strip clubs or other sexually oriented business
  • Private clubs that have a liquor permit for on-premises consumption and does not hold itself out to be a food service establishment
  • Airports
  • Train stations that serve passengers
  • Bus stations
  • Abortion facilities
  • A privately owned and operated facility that provides food, fuel, shower or other sanitary facilities, and overnight parking

California Human Trafficking Poster

As might be expected, California’s human trafficking poster has several types of employers that must display it:

  • On-sale general public premises licensees under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
  • Adult or sexually oriented businesses
  • Primary airports
  • Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations
  • Bus stations
  • Truck stops
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Farm labor contractors
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Roadside rest areas
  • Many businesses or establishments that offer massage or bodywork services for compensation
  • Hotels, motels, and bed and breakfast inns

It is also available in Spanish and Simplified Chinese.

Connecticut Human Trafficking Poster

Labor Law Poster GlossaryRequirements for Connecticut employers to display the state’s human trafficking poster mirror many of California’s.

It is required for:

  • Massage businesses
  • Publicly or privately operated highway service plazas
  • Hotels, motels and inns
  • Public airports
  • Acute care hospital emergency rooms
  • Urgent care facilities
  • Rail and bus service stations
  • Businesses that cater to an adult-only crowd
  • Certain employment agencies
  • Certain nail salons
  • Most bars

Florida Human Trafficking Poster

In Florida, its human trafficking poster is required for employers licensed by certain state health boards:

  • Acupuncture
  • Medicine
  • Osteopathic medicine
  • Chiropractic medicine
  • Podiatric medicine
  • Optometry
  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry
  • Nursing home administration
  • Occupational therapy
  • Dietetics and nutrition
  • Respiratory care
  • Massage therapy
  • Physical therapy

Georgia Human Trafficking Poster

Georgia’s human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Adult entertainment establishments
  • Bars
  • Primary airports
  • Passenger rail or light rail stations
  • Bus stations
  • Truck stops
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Farm labor contractors and day haulers
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Safety rest areas located along interstate highways
  • Hotels
  • Establishments that offer massage or bodywork services by a person who is not a massage therapist
  • Government buildings

Hawaii Human Trafficking Poster

In Hawaii, the human trafficking poster is required for employers that:

  • Hold a class 5 or class 11 liquor license
  • Maintain a massage therapy establishment that employs five or more people
  • Employ one or more erotic or nude massagers or erotic or nude dancers

Illinois Human Trafficking Poster

Illinois’ poster is required for:

  • On-the-premises consumption retailer licensees
  • Adult entertainment facilities
  • Primary airports,
  • Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations
  • Bus stations
  • Truck stops
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Farm labor contractors
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Hotels and motels

Indiana Human Trafficking Poster

Indiana’s human trafficking poster is more limited. It is only required for employers that provide adult entertainment.

But there are additional compliance steps. Posters must be displayed in at least two of the following places:

  • The office of the manager of the premises
  • The locker room used by performers or other employees
  • The break room used by performers or other employees

Kansas Human Trafficking Poster

7 Tips To Manage Labor Law PostersKansas’ human trafficking poster is also somewhat more limited in its requirements. Employers in the following industries must display it:

  • Sexually oriented businesses
  • Massage parlors
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Convenience stores and truck stops
  • Rest areas and visitors’ centers under state supervision or control

Louisiana Human Trafficking Poster

In Louisiana, the state’s human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Hotels
  • Any massage parlor/spa/hotel that has been found to be a public nuisance for prostitution
  • Strip clubs
  • Sexually oriented businesses
  • Full-service fuel stations adjacent to interstate highways or highway rest stops
  • Outpatient abortion clinics

Also, the poster must be displayed in English, Spanish and French.

Maine Human Trafficking Poster

In Maine, its human trafficking poster has a couple of unique provisions. It is required for:

  • A Maine Department of Labor career center
  • An office that provides services under the governor’s Jobs Initiative Program
  • A hospital or facility providing emergency medical services
  • An eating and lodging place
  • An adult entertainment nightclub or bar, adult spa, establishment featuring strippers or erotic dancers or other sexually oriented business
  • A money transmitter
  • A check cashing business or foreign currency exchange business

Maryland Human Trafficking Poster

Maryland’s list of employers required to display the state’s human trafficking labor law poster is also fairly limited:

  • Rest stops
  • Bus stations
  • Truck stops
  • Adult entertainment establishments

Michigan Human Trafficking Poster

Michigan’s human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Welcome centers
  • Rest areas
  • Local bus and rail transportation services
  • Public airports
  • Adult entertainment establishments
  • Establishments owning property that has been found by a court to constitute a public nuisance due to acts of prostitution or human trafficking

It is also available in Spanish.

Missouri Human Trafficking Poster

In Missouri, its human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Hotels, motels, or other establishments that have been cited as a public nuisance for
  • Strip clubs or other sexually oriented businesses
  • Private clubs that have a liquor permit for on-premises consumption, do not hold themselves out to be food service establishments, and are not affiliated with any nonprofit fraternal, athletic, religious, or veteran organizations
  • Airports
  • Train stations
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Certain businesses or establishments that offer massage or body work services
  • Women’s health centers
  • Abortion facilities
  • Family planning clinics
  • Maternity homes
  • Pregnancy resource centers
  • Bus stations
  • Truck stops

Montana Human Trafficking Poster

Montana’s human trafficking poster is only required for interstate and other state highway rest areas.

Nebraska Human Trafficking Poster

In Nebraska, its human trafficking poster is only required for rest stops, casinos, racetrack gaming operators and strip clubs.

However, it must be posted in English and Spanish.

New Jersey Human Trafficking Poster

Fill in the blank posting guideNew Jersey has a long list of employers required to display its human trafficking poster. It is required for:

  • Strip clubs or sexually oriented businesses — including within every dressing room and within every restroom and restroom stall
  • Massage or bodywork therapists — including within every dressing room and within every restroom and restroom stall
  • Bars
  • Airports
  • Passenger rail or light rail stations
  • Bus stations
  • Welcome centers
  • Truck stops
  • Weigh stations
  • Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Farm labor contractors and day haulers
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • Service areas and safety rest areas located along interstate highways in New Jersey
  • All forms of public transportation, including every railroad passenger car
  • Hotels, motels, bed and breakfast establishments, campsites, and similar places of public accommodation

Meanwhile, owners and operators of private and public school buses are encouraged to display the public awareness sign.

New Mexico Human Trafficking Poster

New Mexico, a relatively recent addition to the list of states with human trafficking posters, requires all employers to display it.

North Carolina Human Trafficking Poster

In North Carolina, its human trafficking poster is required for businesses that have been declared a nuisance (prostitution, illegal possession of drugs or alcohol, and more), as well as:

  • Every transportation station, rest area and welcome center
  • Every JobLink or other center under its authority that offers employment or training services to the public
  • Certain hospitals
  • Certain businesses with a certain permit to sell liquor
  • Adult establishments

North Dakota Human Trafficking Poster

North Dakota’s poster is optional for any hotel, motel, resort, building, or structure that is used to provide sleeping accommodations to transient guests.

Ohio Human Trafficking Poster

Like North Dakota, Ohio’s human trafficking poster is optional. It is also available in Spanish.

Pennsylvania Human Trafficking Poster

In Pennsylvania, its human trafficking poster is required for employers in the following industries:

  • Personal service establishments
  • Drinking establishments
  • Adult entertainment enterprises featuring nude or partially nude dancing or providing live adult entertainment.
  • Hotels or motels found to be a nuisance (drugs, prostitution, etc.)
  • Airports, train stations and bus stations
  • Welcome centers or rest areas operated by the state Department of Transportation or Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.
  • Full-service truck stops

Rhode Island Human Trafficking Poster

Rhode Island’s poster is only required to be displayed in hotels.

South Carolina Human Trafficking Poster

Steps to Prepare for a Labor Law Poster AuditIn South Carolina, its human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Adult businesses
  • Any establishment declared a nuisance for prostitution
  • Emergency rooms within a hospital
  • Urgent care centers
  • Hotels, motels and similar establishments
  • Agricultural labor contractors and transporters

Airports, train stations, bus stations, rest areas and truck stops

Tennessee Human Trafficking Poster

Tennessee’s poster is optional for employers.

Texas Human Trafficking Poster

In Texas, its human trafficking poster is required for:

  • Most places that sell alcohol
  • Cosmetology facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Massage establishments, including schools
  • Sexually oriented businesses
  • Tattoo studios
  • Transportation hubs
  • State parks and recreational sites
  • Commercial lodgings

Vermont Human Trafficking Poster

Vermont’s poster is optional for employers.

Virginia Human Trafficking Poster

Virginia’s human trafficking poster is only required to be displayed at adult entertainment establishments and truck stops. It is also available in Spanish.

West Virginia Human Trafficking Poster

In West Virginia, the state’s human trafficking poster comes with additional compliance steps.

For the impacted businesses, it must be posted in each public restroom, and either in a conspicuous place near the public entrance or in another location in clear view of the public and employees.

Companies required to display the poster include:

  • Most places that sell alcohol
  • Exotic entertainment facilities
  • Primary airports, passenger rail stations, bus station and locations where gasoline and diesel fuel are sold
  • Emergency departments within hospitals
  • Urgent care centers
  • Locations where farm labor contractors and day haulers work, if a physical facility is available at those locations upon or in which notice can be posted
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers
  • State rest areas located along interstate highways
  • Hotels
  • Any other business or establishment that the director determines, by legislative rule, is an effective location to provide notice to victims of human trafficking

Wisconsin Human Trafficking Poster

Wisconsin’s poster is optional for gas stations, hotels, adult entertainment establishments, hair/nail salons, agricultural labor, hospitals, medical centers, athletic/sporting events, massage parlors, spas, alternative health entity, courthouses, rest areas, and transit centers.

Other Human Trafficking Labor Law Posters

As mentioned above, in addition to the states listed above, other jurisdictions have human trafficking labor law posters.

Employers that operate in the following locations should check whether they need to display human trafficking poster:

  • Anchorage, Alaska
  • Federal government (required for employers with Department of Defense contracts)
  • Jacksonville, Fla.
  • Los Angeles
  • Los Angeles County – learn more about the LA County human trafficking poster
  • Washington, D.C.


Human trafficking has been a major issue for lawmakers in recent years. It’s no surprise that several jurisdictions have issued related posters.

Lastly, employers should check whether their business falls under specific state codes, which give full definitions of some of the establishments listed above.

This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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