Montgomery County, Maryland New Earned Sick Time Law April 13, 2016/in County Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
California $15 Statewide Minimum Wage April 8, 2016/in Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
Seattle’s New 4-in-1 Workplace Poster April 4, 2016/in Benefits, City Employment Law, Discrimination, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Health and Safety, Hiring, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Plainfield, New Jersey Paid Sick Time and Posting Requirement March 18, 2016/in City Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Santa Monica Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave March 16, 2016/in City Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Federal Contractor Paid Sick Leave Proposed Final Rule March 9, 2016/in Employment Law Posting Compliance, Federal Contractor, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. Federal Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
Minneapolis, St. Paul Paid Sick Leave Ordinances March 7, 2016/in City Employment Law, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Vermont Becomes Fifth State with Sick Leave Law February 24, 2016/in Health and Safety, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
2016 City Paid Sick Leave Laws February 19, 2016/in Benefits, City Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Spokane Implements Citywide Paid Sick Leave February 15, 2016/in Benefits, City Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Health and Safety, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →