Top 10 Blogs of 2021: Employment Law News

By Kris Janisch
Published Dec. 29, 2021

Top 10 Blogs of 2021 Employment Law

At Employment Law News, we strive to keep you updated on the latest developments in employment law. And it’s always interesting to look back on the more than 100 posts we published to see what people found most useful.

Ah, the new year. New minimum wage rates, updated labor law posters, tracking carryover requirements for paid leave… and top 10 lists.

But what a year it was for employers. From the continued proliferation of new and changing employment laws to the ongoing requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 was a major challenge for employers.

At Employment Law News, we strive to keep you updated on the latest developments in employment law. And it’s always interesting to look back on the more than 100 posts we published to see what people found most useful.

With that, here are the Top 10 Blogs of 2021 from Employment Law News.

10. Ban the Box: Updates and State Laws

Since the 2010s, ban the box legislation has become more prominent in employment law. More than a dozen states have passed these laws, along with several smaller jurisdictions.

In our blog, we provided an update on new ban the box legislation, as well as a comprehensive rundown of state laws.

9. 2021 Minimum Wage Rates for California Cities

Minimum wage rates in California cities — always tough to get a handle on.

With so many cities having new and updated rates each year, it’s no wonder our blog on the list of minimum wage rates for California cities at the start of 2021 makes the list.

Check out another Employment Law News blog for early 2022 minimum wage rates for California cities.

8. Florida Minimum Wage Going Up Again

Following a voter-approved ballot measure in 2020, Florida was in the unique position of seeing its minimum wage rate increase twice in the same calendar year.

Also, for reference, Florida is moving toward a $15 rate, with increases coming on Sept. 30 each year. (In 2022, it will go up to $11.)

Minimum Wage Management. Simplified.

7. Do You Need to Buy Labor Law Posters Every Year?

With so much turnover during the past year, some people may have been managing their organization’s labor law poster program for the first time.

Which may have contributed to the popularity of our blog, Do You Need to Buy Labor Law Posters Every Year? (The answer is… maybe.)

Labor Law Poster Updates. Simplified.

6. Federal Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

The Biden administration’s announcement in September 2021 about a vaccine mandate for employers with 100 or more workers was quickly met with opposition.

And Arizona brough the first legal challenge to the federal vaccine mandate. Since then, the U.S. Supreme Court has opted to hear arguments, set for Jan. 7, 2021.

5. Employers Beware: Labor Law Poster Scams

Compliance Checklist: 5 Tips to Prep for 2022Have you or your employees received an “urgent” letter saying your labor law posters are out of date? Or have you ever been subject to a surprise “audit” by a mysterious agency? You’re not alone.

In this post, we outline some of the many ways more unsavory companies try to scare you into buying new labor law posters.

4. Connecticut Minimum Wage: Aug. 1, 2021

Perhaps it’s because of the state’s odd schedule, but the Aug. 1, 2021, increase in minimum wage for Connecticut checks in at No. 4 on our list.

Also, employers should be aware that the state’s 2022 minimum wage rate will increase on July 1.

3. 2021 State Minimum Wage Rates

One of the major challenges of managing minimum wage rates is keeping up with the changes at the city and county levels. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t plenty of interest in our blog on 2021 state minimum wage rates.

Find early 2022 state minimum wage rates on Employment Law News.

2. Ohio Bill Would Increase Minimum Wage

Lawmakers introduced a bill to increase Ohio’s minimum wage rate to $15 by 2025.

While the legislation was not enacted, the post still garnered enough attention to check in at No. 2 on our list of Employment Law News blogs for 2021.

It is worth noting that Ohio does have a rate above the federal level. Check out our early 2022 state minimum wage rates post for more information.

1. How Many States Have a $15 Minimum Wage?

A theme on our top 10 list? Minimum wage and the difficulties of tracking rates across the U.S. continues to be a challenge.

Plus, people are always looking ahead to the future, which is like why our post, How Many States Have a $15 Minimum Wage, takes the top spot on our list.

Also, keep an eye on Employment Law News for an update to this blog — in 2022, the first state in the nation, California, reaches the $15 threshold.

That concludes our list of the Top 10 Employment Law News blogs from 2021. Happy New Year!

This Employment Law News blog is intended for market awareness only, it is not to be used for legal advice or counsel.

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