Colorado ‘Ban the Box’ Bill Now in Effect September 3, 2019/in Ban the Box /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Ban the Box: What Employers Need to Know January 31, 2019/in Ban the Box, City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Discrimination, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
What to Expect in State Labor Laws in 2019 January 21, 2019/in Ban the Box, Dashboard, Discrimination, E-Verify, Local Employment Law, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, Predictive Scheduling, Salary History Ban, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
Westchester County, New York, Passes New Ban-the-Box Law January 17, 2019/in Ban the Box, County Employment Law, Dashboard, Discrimination /by govdocs2Read more →
Michigan Passes New Ban-the-Box Law September 18, 2018/in Ban the Box, Discrimination, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
Washington State Implements New “Ban-the-Box” Law April 10, 2018/in Ban the Box, Dashboard, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
6 New California Bills That Will Impact Your Employees October 17, 2017/in Ban the Box, Paid Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Los Angeles Passes City “Ban the Box” Law December 8, 2016/in Ban the Box, City Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →