Enhanced California Ban the Box Law Proposed April 12, 2023/in Ban the Box /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
California Ban the Box Law: Enhanced Enforcement October 26, 2021/in Ban the Box /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Top 5 Employment Law Topics You Missed Because of COVID-19 October 6, 2021/in Ban the Box, Dashboard, Equal Pay, Harassment, Hiring, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, Predictive Scheduling, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Oh, Say Can You See? Compliance Fireworks! July 1, 2021/in Ban the Box, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Ban the Box: Updates and State Laws April 22, 2021/in Ban the Box, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Colorado Employment Law March 2, 2021/in Ban the Box, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Illinois Employment Law: What Employers Need to Know January 26, 2021/in Ban the Box, City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Equal Pay, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Maryland’s ‘Ban the Box’ Law Goes into Effect February 2020 February 27, 2020/in Ban the Box, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
5 Compliance Fears That Might Scare HR Pros This Halloween October 31, 2019/in Ban the Box, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, Salary History Ban /by Lindsy WaytRead more →