Salary History Ban Law Takes Effect in Albany County December 28, 2017/in Benefits, County Employment Law, Discrimination, Hiring, Local Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Displaying Labor Law Posters August 31, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, EEOC, Employment Law Posting Compliance, U.S. Federal Employment Law, U.S. State Employment Law, Uncategorized /by govdocs2Read more →
Top 6 Labor Law Posting Compliance Questions Answered August 24, 2017/in County Employment Law, EEOC, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Federal Contractor, Local Employment Law, U.S. Federal Employment Law, U.S. State Employment Law /by govdocs2Read more →
Why the Increase in State and Local Minimum Wage Laws? August 17, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Minimum Wage, U.S. State Employment Law, Uncategorized /by govdocs2Read more →
Final Regulations of Cook County Earned Sick Leave Ordinance Announced June 29, 2017/in County Employment Law, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave /by govdocs2Read more →
Webinar Recap – Minimum Wage: 5 Trends Affecting Your Labor Law Compliance Program June 14, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance /by govdocs2Read more →
Webinar Tomorrow: City and County Labor Laws March 21, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Local Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
INFOGRAPHIC: Posting Compliance Trends March 15, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Employment Law Posting Compliance, Federal Contractor, Paid Leave, Paid Sick Leave, U.S. Federal Employment Law, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
Mn. House Passes Local Labor Law Preemption Bill March 14, 2017/in City Employment Law, County Employment Law, Minimum Wage, Paid Leave, Preemption, U.S. State Employment Law /by Lindsy WaytRead more →
UPDATE: Montgomery County Executive Leggett Vetoes $15 Minimum Wage Bill January 27, 2017/in County Employment Law, Local Employment Law, Minimum Wage /by Lindsy WaytRead more →